Hair Removal Specialists Surrey


What is Electrolysis?

The only method of permanent hair removal, which is recognised by the British Medical Association, is Electrolysis. Electrolysis provides long term hair removal for, most commonly facial hair, but also body hair. Electrolysis can be used on all hair colours, whether dark and coarse or fair and fine, and is highly effective. Therefore, both men and women of any skin colour or ethnicity can benefit from electrolysis treatment.

How electrolysis works

A very fine probe, which is electrically charged, is inserted directly into the hair follicle. When the current is applied, damage is caused to the follicle. Each hair is very gently removed using tweezers. Over time, the direct current will permanently destroy the follicles of hairs which are either active or dormant - the result being that the affected follicle is unable to produce any further.

Benefits of Electrolysis

The benefits of electrolysis are clear, powerful and conclusive:

  • A permanent solution to hair removal (as recognised by the BMA)
  • Few side effects.
  • All skin types and hair types can be treated.
  • Tattooed skin can also be safely treated.
  • Ingrown hairs are eliminated.
  • A safe method of hair removal.
  • A time saving and cost-effective alternative to other methods of hair removal.


As with laser hair removal mentioned earlier and prior to any treatment being carried out, a full and comprehensive examination and consultation will take place. This will provide crucial information about the client, which ensures the correct treatment is carried out and is specific to everyone.

General information is gathered about the client. This includes checking for any contraindications eg: if the client has any electronic implants (pacemaker to name one), skin disorders etc. This process is conducted in a relaxed and sympathetic manner, as we understand that a great deal of courage is required to discuss such a personal matter - so please do not worry, as you are in safe hands.

Electrolysis Pre-Care Advice

The following pre-care advice is important and MUST be noted by the client, prior to any treatment.

  • Avoid shaving for 2-3 days prior to your appointments.
  • Hair must be at least 5mm in length, therefore visible to the specialist to remove the hair safely and efficiently.
  • Waxing, depilatory cream, plucking or threading should not be done throughout the course of electrolysis treatments.
  • Exfoliators, retinols or exfoliating acids must not be used 48 hours prior to treatment.
  • Any form of heat treatments eg: saunas and steam rooms must be avoided, together with sun exposure or tanning of any kind, for 24 hours prior to treatment.
  • Avoid the application of heavy makeup on the area which will be treated.
  • Ensure you have good hygiene when you are attending all your electrolysis appointments.

You will asked to give your permission to your Specialist taking a photograph of the area to be treated, prior to any treatment taking place. This is purely for 'Before & After' reasons, which will enable you and your Specialist, to monitor the progress of your treatment'.

Electrolysis Aftercare Advice

As for the pre-care advice above, it is vital that the following advice is adhered to by all clients following electrolysis. Following advice from the Specialist, means that the healing process will increase and stop the risk of any infection developing on or around being treated.

Sensitivity of the treated area of the skin immediately after every treatment. The reason for this is that the pores have been opened. Therefore, either Aloe Vera or Witch Hazel gel will be applied in order to prevent any infection and assist with the natural healing process of the skin.

Please follow the points below:

  • Abstain from harsh or perfumed cosmetic products and makeup on the treated area.
  • Irritating or touching the area must be avoided.
  • No sunbathing.
  • Steam rooms, saunas or swimming should also be avoided.
  • Any other form of heat treatments must be avoided.
  • No temporary hair removal methods should be used while treatment is ongoing.
  • Restrictive clothing around the treated area must be avoided, together any form of irritation, touching or friction.
  • To achieve the desired results from the course of treatment, ALL appointments must be maintained.
  • Aloe Vera gel can be applied to the treated area post-treatment, hands must be washed, and the gel applied with fresh cotton wool.

Call us today to book an appointment

on 01883 672077

or 07846 538268